Configuring Context-Based Access Control (CBAC)
发表时间:2010-9-12 评论:0 点击 4,842+
Topology Diagram
Addressing Table
Device | Interface | IP Address | Subnet Mask | Default Gateway |
R1 | Fa0/1 | | | N/A |
S0/0/0 | | | N/A | |
R2 | S0/0/0 | | | N/A |
S0/0/1 | | | N/A | |
R3 | Fa0/1 | | | N/A |
S0/0/1 | | | N/A | |
PC-A | NIC | | | |
PC-C | NIC | | | |
Learning Objectives
Verify connectivity among devices before firewall configuration.
Configure an IOS firewall with CBAC on router R3
Verify CBAC functionality using ping, Telnet, and HTTP.
Context-Based Access Control (CBAC) is used to create an IOS firewall. In this activity,
you will create a basic CBAC configuration on edge router R3. R3 provides access to
resources outside of the network for hosts on the inside network. R3 blocks external
hosts from accessing internal resources. After the configuration is complete, you will
verify firewall functionality from internal and external hosts.
The routers have been pre-configured with the following:
Enable password: ciscoenpa55
Password for console: ciscoconpa55
Password for vty lines: ciscovtypa55
IP addressing
Static routing
All switch ports are in VLAN 1 for switches S1 and S3.
Task 1: Block Traffic From Outside
S tep 1. V er ify B a s ic N etwo rk C o nnec tiv ity .
Verify network connectivity prior to configuring the IOS firewall.
From the PC-C command prompt, ping the PC-A server.
From the PC-C command prompt, Telnet to the Router R2 S0/0/1 interface: IP address Exit the Telnet session.
From PC-C, open a web browser to the PC-A server to display the web page. Close the
browser on
From the PC-A server command prompt, ping PC-C.
S tep 2. C onfigur e a na med IP A C L on R 3 to bloc k a ll tr a ffic or igina ting fr
om the outs ide networ k .
Use the ip access-list extended command to create a named IP ACL.
R3(config)# ip access-list extended OUT-IN
R3(config-ext-nacl)# deny ip any any
R3(config-ext-nacl)# exit
S tep 3. A pply the A CL to inte rfa c e S e ria l 0/0/1.
R3(config)# interface s0/0/1
R3(config-if)# ip access-group OUT-IN in
S tep 4. C o nfirm tha t tra ffic entering interfa c e S e ria l 0/0/1 is dro pped.
From the PC-C command prompt, ping the PC-A server. The ICMP echo replies are blocked by
the ACL.
Task 2: Create a CBAC Inspection Rule
S tep 1. C rea te a n ins pec tio n ru le to ins pec t IC MP , T elnet, a nd HT T P tra
ffic .
R3(config)# ip inspect name IN-OUT-IN icmp
R3(config)# ip inspect name IN-OUT-IN telnet
R3(config)# ip inspect name IN-OUT-IN http
S tep 2. T u rn o n time-s ta mped lo gging a nd C B A C a u dit tra il mes s a ges .
Use the ip inspect audit-trail command to turn on CBAC audit messages to provide a
record of network access through the firewall, including illegitimate access attempts.
Enable logging to the syslog server,, with the logging host command. Make sure that logged messages are
R3(config)# ip inspect audit-trail
R3(config)# service timestamps debug datetime msec
R3(config)# logging host
S tep 3. A pply the ins pec tio n ru le to egres s tra ffic o n interfa c e S 0/0/1.
R3(config-if)# ip inspect IN-OUT-IN out
S tep 4. V er ify tha t a u dit tra il me s s a ges a r e being lo gged o n the s y s lo
g s e rv er.
From PC-C, test connectivity to PC-A with ping, Telnet, and HTTP. Ping and HTTP should
be successful. Note that PC-A will reject the Telnet session.
From PC-A, test connectivity to PC-C with ping and Telnet. All should be blocked.
Review the syslog messages on server PC-A: click the Config tab and then click the
Task 3: Verify Firewall Functionality
S tep 1. O pen a T elnet s es s io n fro m P C -C to R 2.
The Telnet should succeed. While the Telnet session is active, issue the command show ip
inspect sessions
on R3. This command displays the existing sessions that are currently being tracked and
inspected by CBAC.
R3# show ip inspect sessions
Established Sessions
Session 100424296 (>( telnet SIS_OPEN
What is the source IP address and port number? (port 1031 is random)
What is the destination IP address and port number? (Telnet = port 23)
Exit the Telnet session.
S tep 2. F ro m P C -C , o pen a web bro ws er to the P C -A s erv er web pa ge u s ing
the s e rv er IP a ddr es s .
The HTTP session should succeed. While the HTTP session is active, issue the command
show ip inspect sessions on R3.
R3# show ip inspect sessions
Established Sessions
Session 104637440 (>( SIS_OPEN
Note: If the HTTP session times out before you execute the command on R3, you will have
to click the Go
button on PC-C to generate a session between PC-C and PC-A.
What is the source IP address and port number? (port 1032 is random)
What is the destination IP address and port number? (HTTP web = port 80)
Close the browser on PC-C.
S tep 3. V iew the interfa c e c o nfig u ra tio n a nd ins pec tio n ru le timer s .
Enter the show ip inspect interfaces command on R3.
The output shows existing sessions that are currently being tracked and inspected by
R3# show ip inspect interfaces
Interface Configuration
Interface Serial0/0/1
Inbound inspection rule is not set
Outgoing inspection rule is IN-OUT-IN
icmp alert is on audit-trail is off timeout 10
telnet alert is on audit-trail is off timeout 3600 http alert is on audit-trail is off
timeout 3600
Inbound access list is OUT-IN Outgoing access list is not set
Task 4: Review CBAC Configuration
S tep 1. Dis pla y C B A C c o nfigu ra tio n.
Enter the show ip inspect config command on R3 to display the complete CBAC inspection
R3# show ip inspect config Session audit trail is enabled Session alert is enabled
one-minute (sampling period) thresholds are [unlimited : unlimited]
max-incomplete sessions thresholds are [unlimited : unlimited]
max-incomplete tcp connections per host is unlimited. Block-time 0 minute.
tcp synwait-time is 30 sec — tcp finwait-time is 5 sec tcp idle-time is 3600 sec — udp
idle-time is 30 sec
tcp reassembly queue length 16; timeout 5 sec; memory-limit 1024 kilo bytes
dns-timeout is 5 sec
Inspection Rule Configuration
Inspection name IN-OUT-IN
icmp alert is on audit-trail is off timeout 10 telnet alert is on audit-trail is off
timeout 3600 http alert is on audit-trail is off timeout 3600
S tep 2. Dis pla y re a l-time o u tpu t tha t c a n be u s ed fo r tro u bles ho o
Enter the debug ip inspect detailed command on R3 to display detailed messages about
CBAC software events, including information about CBAC packet processing.
From PC-C, open a web browser on PC-C; enter the PC-A (server) IP address:
R3# debug ip inspect detailed
INSPECT Detailed Debug debugging is on
*Mar 01, 02:37:28.3737: %FW-6-SESS_AUDIT_TRAIL_START: Start http session:
initiator ( — responder (
*Mar 01, 02:37:28.3737: CBAC: Finding pregen session for src_tableid:0,
src_addr:, src_port:1039, dst_tableid:0, dst_addr:, dst_port:80
*Mar 01, 02:37:38.3737: %FW-6-SESS_AUDIT_TRAIL_STOP: Stop http session:
initiator ( — responder (
S tep 3. C hec k R es u lts .
Your completion percentage should be 100%. Click Check Results to see feedback and
verification of which required components have been completed.